Borsight is uniquely qualified to deliver outstanding results for operators of military, security force, and government agency aircraft. We focus on creating smart business relationships that maximize the useful life of legacy aircraft through upgraded technology with ready solutions of end-to-end design and integration.
Operational Support of
MAF TDL Situational Awareness
Borsight is teamed with KT Consulting as the Contractors for the Mobility Air Force (MAF) Tactical Data Link (TDL) Situational Awareness (SA) Operational Support (OS) Program. Borsight provides Program Management, Depot Management, OCONUS FSR Operations, CONUS Training, Software Management, Cybersecurity Management, and Technical Refresh Integration for the C-17 and C-130J Dynamic Retasking Capability (DRC) and C-130H/LC-130 Real Time Information in the Cockpit (RTIC) systems. As part of a 5-year contract, Borsight and KTC will support the 67 C-130J and C-17 DRC equipped aircraft and 174 C-130H/LC-130 RTIC equipped aircraft with spare equipment, cybersecurity patches, software updates, training, and technical refreshes.
DRC and RTIC systems utilize the Borsight managed Tactical Airlift Mission Software Suite (TAMSS) to integrate a secure data infrastructure with secret-level-data flows, processing, and information display to enable the aircrew to view and control applicable network communications. Both systems are executing a technical refresh effort to integrate the Borsight owned Taurus Airborne Executive Processor (AEP) and Taurus Portable Mission Display (PMD).
Dynamic Retasking Capability is found on C-130J and C-17 aircraft as a roll-on/roll-off (RORO) capability, providing airborne MAF aircrews with real time mission retasking and improved battlespace SA. The DRC system is a set of radios, cockpit displays, a central processor, and an interface software that allows C-17 & C-130J aircraft to become part of the tactical data network through the transmission, reception, and processing of messages through a Situational Awareness Data Link (SADL) terminal, PRC-l 17G, and ARC-210 radio. This allows the equipped aircraft to interface with a local tactical data network through the Line of Sight (LOS) SADL radio while simultaneously extending that network to a Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) location via the ARC- 210 radio. Dynamic Retasking Capability system components are divided into A- and B-Kits. The A-Kit consists of all hard installed parts on the aircraft to include antennas, wiring, input/output panel, and mounts for the cockpit displays. The B-Kit consists of the Taurus Airborne Executive Processor (AEP), ARC-210 radio, High Power Amplifier (HPA), Power Distribution Unit (PDU), Situational Awareness Data Link (SADL) radio, and Portable Mission Displays (PMD).
Real Time Information in the Cockpit is a permanently installed TDL system providing aircrew the same capability as DRC: dynamic mission management through Tactical Datalink Network (TDN) secure data exchange connectivity via the SADL and Joint Range Extension Application Protocol (JREAP) BLOS networks, connect aircrews with the Air Operations Center (AOC), and Contingency Response Group (CRG)/Contingency Response Element (CRE). The RTIC system has similar radios, cockpit displays, central processor, and interface software as DRC.
Under this contract, Borsight is responsible for the following tasks:
Managing a multi-year prime USAF depot sustainment contract
Maintaining the MAF TDL operational support help desk for immediate technical and logistical support
Sustaining the Tactical Airlift Mission Software Suite (TAMSS) for the C-17 and C-130J, C-130H, and LC-130 communities
CONUS depot managing, sustaining, repairing, sparing, and world-wide shipping of Government Owned Equipment (GOE)
Quarterly cybersecurity updating, functional qualification testing, and fielding patching for the system
Developing, updating, and maintaining multiple program deliverables
Managing the deployment of 3 OCONUS Field Service Representatives (FSRs) at 3 separate locations
Providing technical Refresh efforts for the ARC-210 Gen 6 radio, 1915 SADL radio, Airborne Executive Processor (AEP), Portable Mission Display (PMD), PRC-117G, MUOS, and JREAP-C.

As a subcontractor to Collins Aerospace, Borsight has been selected by the U.S. Air Force (USAF) to advance communications capabilities for its KC-135R fleet with the implementation of a Real Time Information in the Cockpit (RTIC) system. This marked the first time that this solution with Link 16 communications will be permanently integrated on legacy tanker aircraft.
As part of the non-recurring engineering taskings for this program, Borsight developed, tested, and certified the software required to integrate and operate the RTIC datalink suite on the KC-135. The Tactical Air Mobility Software Suite (TAMSS) is a Borsight-developed, US Air Force owned software suite designed to allow full control of the Situation Awareness Data Link (SADL), MIDS-JTRS CMN4, and ARC-210 Gen 6 radios for both Line of Sight (LOS) and Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) applications.
KC-135 RTIC AEP Production
The U.S. Air Force selected Borsight as the Prime Contractor for NATO/NSPA to provide its Open Mission Systems (OMS) certified Taurus AEP mission computer to be installed with the KC-135R Real Time Information in the Cockpit (RTIC) A-Kits. As part of a 5-year contract, Borsight will provide hundreds of AEPs to the KC-135 SPO to modify the entire Active Duty, Reserve, and Guard fleet of KC-135R aircraft.

KC-135 RTIC A-Kit Production
The U.S. Air Force selected Borsight as the Prime Contractor for NATO/NSPA to provide its KC-135R fleet with Real Time Information in the Cockpit (RTIC) A-Kits. As part of a 5-year contract, Borsight will provide hundreds of RTIC A-Kits to the KC-135 SPO to modify the entire Active Duty, Reserve, and Guard fleet of KC-135R aircraft.
These aircraft will also receive an enhanced Tactical Airlift Mission Software Suite (TAMSS) capability. Borsight’s upgraded version of TAMSS provides additional operational readiness specific to the KC-135R mission as well as the first-ever RTIC solution with Link 16 communications to be permanently integrated on legacy tanker aircraft.

KC-135 RTIC A-Kit Installation
Using the RS3 contract vehicle, the NextGen Federal Systems and Borsight Team are executing the installation of the KC-135 Real Time Information in the Cockpit (RTIC) system though Contractor Field Teams (CFTs). Installation of the RTIC kits produced under Borsight’s KC-135 A-Kit production contract consists of the installation of Group A, L, and M kits. These installations are completed with organic teams at two separate USAF bases and with a CFT at the Governments directed location.

Borsight is a key member of an industry consortium contracted by the DoD for the Joint Tactical Edge Networking (JTEN) initiative, formerly CTEN, under the Data Link Enterprise working group. Borsight enables real-time communications and data processing between combat and ISR assets on the tactical edge and C2 hubs using a variety of disparate datalinks woven into a “data fabric” by the Global Secure Airborne Communications Software (GSACS) suite. Real time data flows between edge-based assets and higher headquarters, AOC’s, and other C2 hubs by leveraging both commercial and military pipelines for secure Beyond Line of Sight communications and data transfer. GSACS greatly enhances edge node and C2 situational awareness, speeding decision making and drastically reducing kill chain timelines while also increasing survivability and lethality for US airborne assets.
Global Lightning
Borsight was selected by the Systems, Programs, and Developmental Engineering (SPDE) branch of Air Force Research Laboratories as the aircraft integrator for the Global Lightning program on the KC-135 Stratotanker. As a subcontractor to Booz Allen Hamilton, Borsight designed, tested, and integrated the Global Secure Airborne Communications Software (GSACS) suite with its accompanying hardware baseline into the KC-135 and C-17 platforms.
After a successful initial development and demonstration phase, Borsight has been awarded a follow-on contract by AFMC-SDPE to productionize the capabilities previously demonstrated to field high-bandwidth, low-latency IP-based datalink solutions, such as SpaceX’s Starlink system, into the Mobility Air Force (MAF) fleet. The resultant configuration, called RTIC-Global Lightning, is being integrated with the KC-135 RTIC baseline system to provide these critical capabilities to the MAF. The ability to rapidly process JREAP-C message traffic in a Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) network provides a level of situational awareness and survivability never seen before on a high value airborne asset (HVAA) such as a tanker. Additionally, RTIC-Global Lightning adds a waveform translation layer and intelligent packet routing, providing bidirectional message forwarding between the BLOS network and the SADL air-to-air and Link-16 networks. This ensures that all connected assets in the tactical edge node receive the same situational awareness data. This capability set is critical in ensuring that the 21st century HVAAs, such as tankers, are protected and threat-aware to be able to remain as close to the fight for as long as possible.
RTIC-Global Lightning is currently installed on a KC-135 tail out of Fairchild AFB, modified by Borsight under the Global Lighting program. Additional NORAD and PACAF aircraft are slated to receive the RTIC-GL system in the near future, facilitating BLOS connectivity for the F-22 and F-16 forces patrolling the Alaskan ADIZ. The RTIC-GL modified KC-135 aircraft will function as tactical edge datalink nodes and provide voice and data pathways for US patrol aircraft to communicate with designated AOCs, establishing a complete common operating picture.​

Borsight is the prime contractor to Air National Guard (ANG) for Real Time Information in the Cockpit (RTIC) installations on 10 ANG and National Science Foundation (NSF) aircraft. These LC-130 aircraft will also receive an enhanced Tactical Airlift Mission Software Suite (TAMSS) capability. Borsight’s upgraded version of TAMSS provides additional operational readiness specific to the ANG and NSF Antarctic mission.

The Pilatus PC-7 is a low-wing, tandem-seat turboprop trainer aircraft with a large presence in the international trainer market. An evolution of the PC-7 airframe serves as the primary Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT) platform for the US Air Force and Navy.
Borsight designed and implemented an avionics modernization system to achieve an FAA Supplemental Type Certificate (STC). The STC significantly modernizes the PC-7 avionics and provides growth capability for any conceivable civilian or military application. Borsight has integrated the most robust COTS solution for the PC-7 utilizing an array of our system integration capabilities. Borsight designed the system layout wiring diagram, structural and mounting components, and fabricated or sourced and installed the full A & B Kits. The avionics upgrade provides 1970’s and 1980’s era turboprops trainers and light-attack aircraft with 21st century state-of-the-art primary flight and mission capabilities at a small fraction of the cost of newer aircraft.

Universal MAnagement Unit
Aero Vodochody l-39 NG
Borsight is contracted by Aero Vodochody to supply UMU (Universal Management Unit) hardware and software integration services for use in their L-39NG aircraft. The UMU provides centralized control of primary flight FMS (Flight management System), display mission computer, radios, and HUD (Heads-up Display) in the L-39NG.

Universal MAnagement Unit
Borsight supplies its UMU (Universal Management Unit) to PTDI (Indonesian Aerospace) for integration into the PTDI/Casa CN235 avionics upgrade suite. The UMU connects to the Genesys IDU-680 based avionics system. The UMU provides control of the CN235 avionics suite as well as providing SAR (Search and Rescue) functionality. The SAR function in the UMU provides allows operators to create standard and custom search pattern. These patterns are supplied to the FMS.
F-16 Brackets and Harnesses ID/IQ
Borsight is part of the USAF F-16 multiple award contract for rapid delivery of wiring harness parts and kits. This ID/IQ contract supports all Block aircraft with harnesses ranging in types of material to include; shielded, non-shielded, coax, Ethernet and range in gauge from 26 to 6.

International Test Pilot School (ITPS)
Borsight is providing the International Test Pilot School (ITPS) Borsight’s Advanced Light Attack and Trainer System equipment and software. The International Test Pilots School (ITPS) offers a range of training courses for Test Pilots and Flight Test Engineers. ITPS is modifying a Hawker Hunter (1950s Royal Air Force aircraft) with modern avionics to conduct flight test training.
As part of the avionics modernization, Borsight is providing ITPS with a Borsight owned Taurus Airborne Executive Processor (AEP), datalink radio and ground station (Silvus), Borsight designed stick and throttle, and Borsight’s mission training software known as Advanced Trainer Light Attack System (ATLAS). ATLAS is a low-cost training software that resides on the AEP mission computer. This software is an airborne simulation/video game classified as an in-flight entertainment system for the student in the right seat. The pilot and instructor will fly the aircraft as pilot in command from the left seat using Genesys IDU-680 software, while the student will assess the simulated avionics from the right seat using Borsight software.
Borsight also supports the ITPS integration for the Borsight delivered hardware and software into the Hawker Hunter aircraft system.

Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS)
Borsight is on the ABMS Multiple-Award Multi-Security Level ID/IQ for Categories 3 and 4. Category 3 is for Secure Processing and Category 4 is for Connectivity. This ID/IQ contract was awarded following the proposal demonstrating the capabilities of Borsight’s Global Secure Airborne Communication Software (GSACS) suite. GSAC delivers worldwide situational awareness, threat avoidance, and mission planning in a robust and customizable package of high-tech tools needed to complete every mission.
Based on real-world operational experience in mobility aircraft situational awareness systems, Borsight developed GSAC and its associated software, Global Secure Airborne Communication Software (GSACS), to provide aircrews with the ability to use network communication capabilities throughout all theaters of operations with an increase to situational awareness and threat avoidance, as well as the capability to support additional mission sets.
GSACS provides digital combat communications to support command and control, threat avoidance, medical organizations, airdrop delivery ground personnel, and other custom needs. GSACS supports command and control network communications for message forwarding and filtering between both equivalent message protocols, as well as translation between dissimilar message protocols.
ABMS Category Descriptions:
Category 3: Secure Processing
Secure Processing will leverage the Enterprise Information Technology as a Service (EITaaS) work at the unclassified and secret level to expand this capability to all levels of security. A key feature of secure processing will be to develop a multi-level security (MLS) technology set that enables moving up and down in security level where feasible no matter the hardware device, transportation method, or environment. Lastly, secure processing encompasses providing deployment, training, and support services for all these capabilities worldwide.
Category 4: Connectivity
Development and fielding of networks to enable the timely processing and dissemination of data from any sensor to users at the tactical edge and/or strategic levels. Assets in any domain may be platforms-of-opportunity to serve as communications nodes enabled by omnidirectional and directional line-of-sight (LOS), and beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) capabilities. Attributes of interest include increased data rates, reduced latency, improved anti-jam, LPI/LPD characteristics, scalability of nodes/connections, and improved integration of dissimilar users.

As the NGB/A5R C-130H Real Time Information in the Cockpit (RTIC) Full Rate Production, Kit Level Management (KLM), and Tactical Airlift Mission Software Suite (TAMSS) prime contractor, Borsight produced hundreds of RTIC kits to modify entire AFRC and ANG fleet of C-130H aircraft. The RTIC/TAMSS suite enhanced situational awareness, improves communications capabilities, and enhances airborne gateway options for the Theater Commanders.
The RTIC installation effort provides the Pilot, Co-pilot, and Navigator with individual real-time mission displays and associated data links. Borsight has been responsible for engineering and drawing packages, antenna mounting, and fabrication and installation. Borsight has additionally been responsible for the cockpit mounting of fixtures, a 1553 mounting fixture, a cockpit control box, mounting an avionics rack, and oversees the ongoing engineering process. The engineering team is primarily focused on configuration control, drawing “red lines,” and weight control. RTIC installations were accomplished in accordance with USAF Time Compliance Technical Order (TCTO), drawing packages, specifications, Technical Data Package (TDP), and program parts list. Borsight’s installation effort, for all three C-130H model configurations, was accomplished using mostly CFTs made up of three to four technicians, Quality Assurance (QA), and Team lead. Borsight performed RTIC CONUS installations at more than 20 different AFRC and ANG locations using CFTs as well as installations at Borsight’s Maintenance Campus in Ogden, Utah.
In addition, Borsight was also the developer of the software that is used on the RTIC system, which is a critical skill necessary during system troubleshooting. Borsight possessed all the knowledge, technical data, and experience to immediately service the imminent ANG and AFRC C-130H RTIC sustainment support requirement.
Specific RTIC KLM included in-house repairs, Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) serviceability screening, calibration and maintenance and facilitation of OEM repairs (with USG Approval), and scheduled maintenance. These efforts were support within a single facility providing the equipment necessary for this effort. Borsight built and maintained the Systems Integration Lab (SIL) necessary to perform serviceability screening and all functional testing.

The HH-60 Avionics Communications Suite Upgrades (ACSU) is a USAF TCTO modification that improves the HH-60 Aircrew’s Situational Awareness using real-time, reliable, and multi-spectrum communication capabilities. As a Prime contractor to NATO, Borsight produces, manufactures, and installs ACSU modifications in the ANG and USAF Reserve, as well as at ACC and AETC locations.
Borsight performed 100% of the Manufacturing, Kitting, and Logistics for 95 ACSU Kits and Contract Filed Team Installations on 35 HH-60G Aircraft. The HH-60G ACSU TCTO depot modification was highly technical and unique based on the massive production hours associated which replaced existing ARC-222 (VHF-FM), ARC-222 (VHF-AM), ARC-164 (UHF-AM), and ARC-210 (SATCOM) and all associated wiring with four ARC-210 RT-1990(c) – the newest generation of digital voice/data radio equipment. This extensive modification included adding a V/UHV channel, broadband LOS waveform capability on each channel, 2nd UHF SATCOM channel, NSA mandated cryptographic modernization, fully embedded, Land Mobile Interoperability with Civil/First Responders, and includes growth to future/networking capabilities, including SRW, IW, and MUOS.

RC-26 Block 25
Working with AECOM as the RC-26 Block 25 avionics modification subcontractor, Borsight performed extensive structural and aeronautical engineering, designed comprehensive technical drawing packages, and made substantial software, hardware, and wiring modification requirements to modernize the SA227 Fairchild Metroliner. The modification and modernization of the SA227 Fairchild Metroliner covered the aircraft’s sensor suite communications, video and tactical datalinks, missile warning system, and cockpit displays.
Borsight integrated multiple avionics, including external sensors and antennae, requiring extensive structural and aeronautical engineering analysis, 3D modeling, and comprehensive drawing packages. Borsight also provided a mission system with new avionics components, software development, and integration which required the production of numerous mounting racks and cable assemblies under AS9100 quality control.
The program work included depot level modification to avionics racks, antennas, wiring, fairings, sensors, control panels wiring, and defensive systems. Frequent aircraft inspections of structural components, flight control cables, flight surfaces, bulkheads, lights, aircrew safety systems, struts, tires, and pitot static system. The program required system fault diagnostics, fault resolution, and testing. The aircraft equipment racks, wiring, fairings, sensors and workstations and avionics equipment were modified or replaced — including structural changes, stripping, painting, fairing modifications, and installing defensive system equipment. Local manufacturing efforts included cable harness build, sheet metal and other structural component manufacture, fairing fabrication, control panel and assembly work. Additional requirements included aircraft weight, balance changes, and calculations; aircraft fueling; fuel storage; defueling; and weighing of aircraft. Facility requirements included secure facilities and secure storage for Communication Secure (COMSEC) equipment and COMSEC keys.
Borsight continues to provide sustainment support to the modified and modernized RC-26 Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft that are being used to support federal, state, and local law enforcement as well as providing natural disaster assistance.

F-16 ASQ-236 Pylon Kits & Harnesses
Borsight is the Prime Contractor for two programs with Air Force Sustainment Center out of Hill Air Force Base located south of Ogden, Utah. The first program consists of assembly for the F-16 ASQ-236 Group B Pylon and Harness Kits. The second program is to sustain the F-16 Harnesses, Parts, and Kits IDIQ. The ASQ-236 Group B Pylon kits consisting of the Pylon, Pylon Adapters, wiring harness, brackets, chocks, travel container, and incidental parts to support USAF F-16 ASQ-236 installation.
Borsight provided the Kit Proof/First Article kits IAW AS9102B and upon approval proceeded to full rate production.