Global Secure Airborne Communication, Battle Management, and Surveillance (GSACS) is the future of enhanced aircrew communication tools. GSACS delivers worldwide situational awareness, threat avoidance, and mission planning in a robust and customizable package of high-tech tools needed to complete every mission.
What is GSACS?
GSACS is the next evolution in Mobility Tactical Datalink Capability. GSACS is capable of providing J/K series datalink message protocols across multiple Beyond Line of Sight and Line of Sight datalink radios. The GSACS software allows for a situational display of the information resident in these J/K series messages as well as other custom data, video, and imagery. This information is displayed on an Android-based tablet that is certified for classified data as well as supporting off-network mission planning.
Beyond Line of Sight Datalink Radio Agnostic
Iridium Certus
Iridium Managed Access
SpaceX Starlink
Viasat 3
Line of Sight Datalink Radio Agnostic
Link 16
Situational Awareness Data Link (SADL)
SILVUS Mesh Network
Robust Network Protocols
Taurus PMD (Tablet with PIVOT Case) – portable, cost-effective, and replaceable
Mission Planning via the (Tablet) and connected via datalink
Airdrop Damage Estimate utilizing Real-time National Asset information
J/K Series Messages and IP level text information
File transfer (.pdf, .rte .XML)
Threat Awareness/Avoidance
Dynamic Threat Range Calculation and Display
Unified Data Library (UDL)
National Asset Threat Data
Electronic Warfare Integration
GSACS from Borsight is developed and built with an Open Mission System Architecture future-proofing its ability to manage both concurrent and newly developed hardware and software.
What is GSACS Software?
Based on real-world operational experience in mobility aircraft situational awareness systems, Borsight developed GSACS and its associated software to provide aircrews with the ability to use network communication capabilities throughout all theaters of operations. This software supports operations with an increase to situational awareness and threat avoidance, as well as the capability to support additional Mobility Air Force mission sets.
GSACS software provides digital combat communications to support command and control, threat avoidance, medical organizations, airdrop delivery ground personnel, and other custom needs. GSACS software supports command and control network communications for message forwarding and filtering between both equivalent message protocols and translation between dissimilar message protocols.
GSACS software is built on top of the original TAMSS configuration and provides added threat awareness and self-protection capabilities.
Threat Avoidance
GSACS software situational awareness is uniquely capable of threat geolocation and kinematic range displayed on the Android tablet. Threat geolocation is provided from multiple correlated sources. Threat kinematic range is continuously calculated and provides the aircrew with real-time accurate Weapons Engagement Zones based on multiple factors including altitude, airspeed, and aspect angle. The latter of which can vary the actual threat range by up to 40%. The graphical display of threats and associated kinematic range allows the aircraft to avoid any known threat with a high degree of confidence.

GSACS Datalink Architecture

GSACS Software Compatibility
GSACS software is compatible with many modern avionics systems. Borsight's team of software engineers can integrate GSACS software onto many capable platforms.

4-channel software-programmable radio link 16

Processor/computer/server that enables communication between displays and radios

An ARC-210 UHF SATCOM beyond-line-of-sight radio

Iridium beyond-line-of-sight radio

Iridium Certus antenna

A Situational Awareness Data Link line-of-sight radio

Starlink Terminal